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Range Pools

Range is what users expect from modern-day CLAMMs (concentrated liquidity automated market makers).

Liquidity providers select a price range for their liquidity to trade over, resulting in increased capital efficiency and reduced slippage for swappers versus full-range AMMs such as Uniswap v2.

The opportunity cost of providing liquidity to a constant function curve is known as IL (impermanent loss) or LVR (loss versus rebalancing).

Cover Pools are designed to hedge against impermanent loss.

Range Pools contain many small constant function curves between each price point, commonly called a Tick.

Each smaller price range will have reserves based on liquidity active within that tick.

Within each tick, the pool functions the same as what users have come to know from Constant Function Market Makers.

Mechanism to understand:

- Choosing a Range Bound
- Claiming Position Liquidity
- Claiming Fees Accrued

Choosing a Range Bound

A position can also be bound to a Full Range, which means that the position is bound from the price 0 to ∞ , so the price will always be within range for collecting fees. The variables that change the width of the liquid range are the depth of the liquidity and the effects of impermanent loss.

Volatile Pairs

The volatile category applies to most pairs where a project paris ETH or a stablecoin against their native token.

Provided the liquidity is range-bound, the magnitude of impermanent loss will be greater. For a range-bound position on a low volume pair, it is unlikely that gains from trading fees will exceed the loss from impermanent loss.

To cover the costs of rebalancing a user's liquidity positions. A Cover Position helps minimize or negate the impermanent loss with directional liquidity profits.

Pegged Pairs

Pegged pairs, although not entirely free from the risk of impermanent loss, often have minimal impermanent loss. For lower volume pairs, liquidity providers may want to increase the range bound on each side equally.

Anchored Pairs

Anchored in this context defines a pair of assets that move predictably and steadily in price relative to one another.

WETH and rETH (from Rock Pool), is an excellent example in this instance. Suppose rETH returns 10% annually relative to WETH. In that case, the protocol can create an incentivized liquidity mining program on a narrow, concentrated range of liquidity and add a 10% upside as a buffer. This liquidity position would likely remain within range for the year, maintaining high capital efficiency — without any rebalancing.

Claiming Position Liquidity

Depending on the current price of the pool, users will be able to withdraw their position accordingly:

price < user's lower tick: 100% of user liquidity will be in token0
price > user's upper tick: 100% of user liquidity will be in token1
price > user's lower tick AND price < user's upper tick: a mix of the user's liquidity will be both in token0 and token1

###Claiming Fees Accrued Range Pools track how much the users' positions have been filled is by using the value feeGrowthGlobal. Depending on where the current tick is it will determine what liquidity is withdrawn from the pool.

Fee accounting is tracked with feeGrowthGlobal0 and feeGrowthGlobal1 values present on the upper and lower ick representing the users' position. Global fees generated represent 1 unit of liquidity, so to get the fees belonging to a single position, the protocol will multiply that position's liquidity amount.

Fees accumulated outside a price range are tracked when a tick is crossed. This allows the protocol to calculate fees earned below the lower tick and fees calculated above the upper tick. feeGrowthGlobal0 and feeGrowthGlobal1 are on a per liquidity unit basis, so the value is multiplied by the amount of liquidity contained in a position to determine the fees owed to that specific position.